
Interactive SMS Media:
Why we call it ISM?
The answer is very simple; in today’s scenario the only thing that works is the time saving process. The history tells us that the SMS industry came into boom due to the fact that people gets the information about the product at an ease and it’s just a matter of single click to get more information.
People in today’s age use the traditional content of sms with incomplete information of the product, which decreases the response rate, Our customers faced a lot of problems with their past vendors due to the lack of concentration on promotional content used. My Inbox Media content writers suggest and modify the content in such a manner that the reader gets the complete information about the product, which results in excellent response rate.

Demographic email campaigns:
DEC the very simple concept, Clients don’t bother about the zone of the target market where this is the most important point to be considered while running email campaigns.
We with the help of huge database that we have, set the target market point blank so that we can avoid wastage of money.

Short codes:
Receiving calls on the cell phone after running the campaigns is very difficult, when the campaign is managed my M!M “due to high response rate”, so we suggest our customers to use automated response capturer that is what we call the shortcode facility. There are many reasons to use shortcode, few major points are like Zero loss of leads generated, generated leads are kept safe on the servers so that whenever required customer can access the same, etc..